Who Should Use The Family Model?

family focused practice for you

The Family Model provides a practical approach which helps practitioners, managers, family members, carers and consumers to better appreciate the ways in which symptoms can affect individuals, what can be done to facilitate early intervention and recovery and how to develop family focused care plans.

It is a values-informed approach which emphasises strengths and the interplay between individual and environmental influences related to an individual’s mental health, wellbeing and key relationships.

Clinicians, managers, teams, services and agencies in different jurisdictions and countries have used The Family Model to support education & training, E-Learning and service development initiatives, as well as informing research, policy & guideline development.

Family members themselves have used the model to better understand the ways in which mental health difficulties have impacted on family life. The visual nature of TFM helps to facilitate conversations between family members and clinicians to develop collaborative care plans.

"I have become more aware of all the research, that highlights the need for a family focus …"

Norwegian clinician

"Good, I enjoyed that, I learned quite a bit. The boy (depressed, unforthcoming 15-yr-old, admitted following suicide attempt) really opened up. I was surprised. I think he needed to see his father talking more openly and saying how much he worried about his son and how much he loves him. And how similar they are – don’t think father had talked openly about his own depression. Thank you."

Psychiatry trainee, observing a session with a family in the hospital

"I was new to the team and using the approach as a training exercise helped us all ‘get on the same page’. We now have a regular time each week to share experiences using TFM. Everyone values this time to share and learn. Thank you for facilitating."


"This (TFM session) has been very helpful for me as I’m not a person who likes to let out my feelings so I feel like this is a good way to let out what I’m feeling with/to my family."

14-year-old with depression and suicidal thoughts

"It was so good to hear from my 2 daughters about how they felt. I’ve been so worried and now I can do something with them. Father/partner: It was also very helpful to have a mediated conversation with all the family involved. Also interesting to see that some of our strengths are also our weaknesses."

Mother with depression

"The session was helpful. It was good to see a visual map of the emotions/feelings/needs in the family. It was also good to hear the kids’ concerns. It was also really helpful to have a moderated discussion. That meant we were able to participate on the same level as our children."

Father of a depressed and anxious 16-year-old daughter